Welcome, I am Deva Ram, aka Gabriel Lovemore, Alchemist, Cosmic Gardener.
I live to serve those who are intentional about expanding consciousness in their lives and beyond.

If you are feeling stuck in your life, repeatedly facing similar obstacles, feeling trapped in your situation, it may be a sign you are living out of alignment with your true self. When your life force is not being harnessed and focused in the direction of your purpose it can cause you to feel tired, worn down, and dull.
Cosmic Garden
The Cosmic Garden community focuses on spiritual growth, self-discovery, and interconnectedness, emphasizing the cultivation of consciousness. We prioritize both individual sovereignty and collective wisdom to support the greater good.
Cosmic Garden

I'm Deva Ram
To live in full harmony and alignment with the intelligence immanent of our world, I see life as an adventure, a journey with many roads, twists and turns, and also dark pits and precipices with dragons (because an adventure without a dragon is boring one). I am here to support you since I have been a guide for over 50 years now.
About Me