
What are Co-Dependence and Victim Consciousness?

What are Co-Dependence and Victim Consciousness?

October 09, 2023

I frequently incorporate the terms Co-Dependence (CD) and Victim Consciousness (VC) into my communications because they represent prevalent states of consciousness that most of us have encountered, whether willingly or not. I assert that both CD and VC are dysfunctional...

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What is my life's purpose?

What is my life's purpose?

September 23, 2023

"We meet our destiny on the road we take to avoid it."Many individuals often inquire about their life's purpose, pondering whether they are in search of it or if they even possess one. To address this, let's begin by acknowledging...

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Insight on a cosmic odyssey

Insight on a cosmic odyssey

September 18, 2023

Human existence on this Earth plane is an intricate and profound journey, filled with contrasting elements and boundless possibilities. It is a journey marked by our recognition of limits, where the constraints of time and space shape our experiences. Within...

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Integration: from intellectual understanding to embodiment

Integration: from intellectual understanding to embodiment

September 02, 2023

When combining the concepts from the article "How to reach optimal health in 5 steps" and the discussion on integration in "The 3 Steps of Psychedelic Healing: Integration" a comprehensive five-step process of integration emerges: "No problem can be solved from...

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The 3 steps of Psychedelic Healing: Integration (part 3)

The 3 steps of Psychedelic Healing: Integration (part 3)

August 22, 2023

What is Integration: At the end of a session, our energy reaches its peak, and we experience a newfound clarity due to the neurogenesis effects. The session also facilitates a cathartic discharge, infusing us with fresh energy. However, upon returning...

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The 3 steps of Psychedelic Healing: Catharsis (part 2)

The 3 steps of Psychedelic Healing: Catharsis (part 2)

August 22, 2023

The subsequent phase of the spiritual journey marks the commencement of the transformative process known as "freedom," which I have coined as the second stage. This state of freedom is attained through an essential process called catharsis, which involves the...

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The 3 steps of Psychedelic Healing: Neuroplasticity (part 1)

The 3 steps of Psychedelic Healing: Neuroplasticity (part 1)

August 22, 2023

In the series we will review 3 steps of psychedelic healing: Neuroplasticity (part 1), Catharsis (part 2) and Integration (part 3) The initial phase of most spiritual journeys embarks upon a transformative stage that I refer to as "clarity." This state...

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Unleashing Infinite Potential (part 1)

Unleashing Infinite Potential (part 1)

August 21, 2023

The Paradigm Shift in Work, Wellbeing, and Creativity. In a rapidly evolving world, understanding the nuanced dimensions of individual capabilities has become crucial. The delineation of one's areas of genius, expertise, competency, and incompetency holds the key to unlocking human potential,...

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Unleashing Infinite Potential (part 2)

Unleashing Infinite Potential (part 2)

August 21, 2023

Crafting Workplaces that Harness Synchronicity by Fulfilling Employee Needs Have you ever experienced a moment when events seemed to align in an uncanny and seemingly unrelated way? Maybe you thought of someone, and they appeared before you moments later. Perhaps...

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Climate Change: a Crisis of Consciousness

Climate Change: a Crisis of Consciousness

August 20, 2023

In our quest to comprehend the complexities of climate change, it is crucial to transcend the conventional approaches of technology, science, and politics. Climate change, often seen as an environmental crisis, is fundamentally a reflection of a deeper issue—a crisis...

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